Adakah anda sering dikritik tentang “tiada pengalaman” atau “tidak cukup pengalaman” dalam memulakan perniagaan?
Ada masanya, tiada pengalaman adalah baik untuk anda.
Untuk berjaya pada usia muda, sudah tentu pengalaman menjadi isu utama untuk meneruskan usaha.
Sebenarnya, anda boleh ambil kekurangan ini sebagai kekuatananda oleh kerana apabila tidak berpengalaman, seseorang itu akan lebih cenderung mencuba benda benda baru.Kurang pengalaman akan membuatkan anda tidak bersandarkan pada sejarah, tetapi memaksa anda untuk fikir di luar kotak.
Lain kali sekiranya orang mengkritik anda tentang “kurangnya pengalaman dalam memulakan perniagaan”, ingat bahawa Bill Gates, Michael Dell dan saya sendiri juga memulakan perniagaan tanpa pengalaman!
Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win.
ReplyDelete--Zhuge Liang
An enlightened ruler does not worry about people not knowing him; he worries about not knowing people.
--Zhuge Liang
Good generals select intelligent officers, thoughtful advisors, and brave subordinates. They oversee their troops like a fierce tiger with wings.
--Zhuge Liang
Nothing is harder to see into than people's nature. The sage looks at subtle phenomena and listens to small voices. This harmonizes the outside with the inside and the inside with the outside.
--Zhuge Liang
To overcome the intelligent by folly is contrary to the natural order of things; to overcome the foolish by intelligence is in accord with the natural order. To overcome the intelligent by intelligence, however, is a matter of opportunity.
--Zhuge Liang
more quotes by ZhuGe Liang:
ReplyDeleteDetach from emotions and desires; get rid of any fixations.
--Zhuge Liang
The loss of any army is always caused by underestimating the enemy. Therefore gather information and watch the enemy
--Zhuge Liang
"You are harmed by decadence when judgment is based on private views, when forces are mobilized for personal reasons. These generals are treacherous and immoral."
--Zhuge Liang
"The five skills are skill in knowing the disposition and power of enemies, skill in knowing the ways to advance and withdraw, skill in knowing how empty or how full countries are, skill in knowing nature's timing and human affairs, and skill in knowing the features of terrain.
The four desires are desire for the extraordinary and unexpected in strategy, desire for thoroughness in security, desire for calm among the masses, and desire for unity of hearts and minds."
--Zhuge Liang (in The Way of the General)
Opportunistic relationships can hardly be kept constant. The acquaintance of honorable people, even at a distance, does not add flowers in times of warmth and does not change its leaves in times of cold: it continues unfading through the four seasons, becomes increasingly stable as it passes through ease and danger."
ReplyDelete— Zhuge Liang