Friday, October 8, 2010

Teknik perundingan..

Dalam perniagaan, kita tidak lari dari rundingan, atau negotiation. Tidak kira, dengan pembekal, pelanggan, pengedar, dan sebagainya…
Dalam buku The Art of Negotiation, dua petua untuk berunding dengan berjaya.
  1. Pihak yang ingin perundingan itu untuk berjaya, adalah pihak yang mempunyai kelemahan dalam rundingan tersebut. Ini bermakna, sekiranya anda ingin sesuatu rundingan itu berjaya, cara terbaik adalah, jangan tunjukkan bahawa anda ingin sangat perundingan tersebut berjaya. Be neutral… buat muka biasa sahaja.
  2. Lebih banyak anda beri sebab kepada pihak satu lagi berminat dengan permintaan anda, lebih baik terma rundingan yang anda akan dapat. Ini bermaksud, tunjukkan nilai dan manfaat sebanyak yang mungkin untuk pihak satu lagi menerima rundingan anda.
Lain kali bila anda berunding, ingat dua petua ini. Anda akan dapat lihat kekuatan rundingan akan berpihak kepada anda.

rahsia jutawan..

Dr Thomas Stanley, penulis buku The Millionaire Mind telah melakukan survey di kalangan beribu-ribu jutawan. Survey yang saya ingin kongsikan ini pasti menarik minat anda. Surveynya adalah…
Apakah faktor-faktor kejayaan seorang jutawan? Berikut adalah jawapan mengikut turutan top 10…
  1. Being honest with all people
  2. Being well discipline
  3. Getting along with others
  4. Having a supportive spouse (husband/wife) (penting ni! no.4 :) )
  5. Working harder than most people
  6. Loving my carreer / business
  7. Having strong leadership qualities
  8. Having a very competitive spirit / personality
  9. Being very well organized
  10. Having the ability to sell my ideas / products
Dari pengalaman saya sendiri, memang tepat faktor-faktor yang disebutkan di atas.
Adakah anda memiliki faktor-faktor ini? Yang mana antara faktor ini yang anda kekurangan? (bagi yang belum berumah tangga, no.4 tak kira… mungkin perlu keluarga yang supportive!)

how to influence people

Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

  1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
  2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.
  3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.

Part Two

Six ways to make people like you

  1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
  5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
  6. Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.

Part Three

Win people to your way of thinking

  1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
  2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
  3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
  4. Begin in a friendly way.
  5. Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately.
  6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
  7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
  8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
  9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
  10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
  11. Dramatize your ideas.
  12. Throw down a challenge.

Part Four

Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment

A leader's job often includes changing your people's attitudes and behavior. Some suggestions to accomplish this:
  1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
  2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
  3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
  4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
  5. Let the other person save face.
  6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise."
  7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
  8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
  9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

how to be rich

With an estimated fortune of $62 billion, Warren Buffett is the richest man in the entire world. In 1962, when he began buying stock in Berkshire Hathaway, a share cost $7.50. Today, Warren Buffett, 78, is Berkshire's chairman and CEO, and one share of the company's class A stock worth close to $119,000. He credits his astonishing success to several key strategies, which he has shared with writer Alice Schroeder. She spend hundreds of hours interviewing the Sage of Omaha for the new authorized biography The Snowball. Here are some of Warren Buffett's money-making secrets -- and how they could work for you. 

1. Reinvest Your Profits: When you first make money, you may be tempted to spend it. Don't. Instead, reinvest the profits. Warren Buffett learned this early on. In high school, he and a pal bought a pinball machine to pun in a barbershop. With the money they earned, they bought more machines until they had eight in different shops. When the friends sold the venture, Warren Buffett used the proceeds to buy stocks and to start another small business. By age 26, he'd amassed $174,000 -- or $1.4 million in today's money. Even a small sum can turn into great wealth. 

2. Be Willing To Be Different: Don't base your decisions upon what everyone is saying or doing. When Warren Buffett began managing money in 1956 with $100,000 cobbled together from a handful of investors, he was dubbed an oddball. He worked in Omaha, not Wall Street, and he refused to tell his parents where he was putting their money. People predicted that he'd fail, but when he closed his partnership 14 years later, it was worth more than $100 million. Instead of following the crowd, he looked for undervalued investments and ended up vastly beating the market average every single year. To Warren Buffett, the average is just that -- what everybody else is doing. to be above average, you need to measure yourself by what he calls the Inner Scorecard, judging yourself by your own standards and not the world's. 

3. Never Suck Your Thumb: Gather in advance any information you need to make a decision, and ask a friend or relative to make sure that you stick to a deadline. Warren Buffett prides himself on swiftly making up his mind and acting on it. He calls any unnecessary sitting and thinking "thumb sucking." When people offer him a business or an investment, he says, "I won't talk unless they bring me a price." He gives them an answer on the spot. 

4. Spell Out The Deal Before You Start: Your bargaining leverage is always greatest before you begin a job -- that's when you have something to offer that the other party wants. Warren Buffett learned this lesson the hard way as a kid, when his grandfather Ernest hired him and a friend to dig out the family grocery store after a blizzard. The boys spent five hours shoveling until they could barely straighten their frozen hands. Afterward, his grandfather gave the pair less than 90 cents to split. Warren Buffett was horrified that he performed such backbreaking work only to earn pennies an hour. Always nail down the specifics of a deal in advance -- even with your friends and relatives. 

5. Watch Small Expenses: Warren Buffett invests in businesses run by managers who obsess over the tiniest costs. He one acquired a company whose owner counted the sheets in rolls of 500-sheet toilet paper to see if he was being cheated (he was). He also admired a friend who painted only on the side of his office building that faced the road. Exercising vigilance over every expense can make your profits -- and your paycheck -- go much further. 

6. Limit What You Borrow: Living on credit cards and loans won't make you rich. Warren Buffett has never borrowed a significant amount -- not to invest, not for a mortgage. He has gotten many heart-rendering letters from people who thought their borrowing was manageable but became overwhelmed by debt. His advice: Negotiate with creditors to pay what you can. Then, when you're debt-free, work on saving some money that you can use to invest. 

7. Be Persistent: With tenacity and ingenuity, you can win against a more established competitor. Warren Buffett acquired the Nebraska Furniture Mart in 1983 because he liked the way its founder, Rose Blumkin, did business. A Russian immigrant, she built the mart from a pawnshop into the largest furniture store in North America. Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator. To Warren Buffett, Rose embodied the unwavering courage that makes a winner out of an underdog. 

8. Know When To Quit: Once, when Warren Buffett was a teen, he went to the racetrack. He bet on a race and lost. To recoup his funds, he bet on another race. He lost again, leaving him with close to nothing. He felt sick -- he had squandered nearly a week's earnings. Warren Buffett never repeated that mistake. Know when to walk away from a loss, and don't let anxiety fool you into trying again. 

9. Assess The Risk: In 1995, the employer of Warren Buffett's son, Howie, was accused by the FBI of price-fixing. Warren Buffett advised Howie to imagine the worst-and-bast-case scenarios if he stayed with the company. His son quickly realized that the risks of staying far outweighed any potential gains, and he quit the next day. Asking yourself "and then what?" can help you see all of the possible consequences when you're struggling to make a decision -- and can guide you to the smartest choice. 

10. Know What Success Really Means: Despite his wealth, Warren Buffett does not measure success by dollars. In 2006, he pledged to give away almost his entire fortune to charities, primarily the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He's adamant about not funding monuments to himself -- no Warren Buffett buildings or halls. "I know people who have a lot of money," he says, "and they get testimonial dinners and hospital wings named after them. But the truth is that nobody in the world loves them. When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you. That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

communication skill

Jadilah seorang pendengar yang baik,Doronglah seseorang itu bercakap tentang diri mereka-Dale carnegie

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

penampilan lelaki

WANITA tidak mampu mengenali 100 peratus karektor dan keperibadian lelaki. Namun, melalui teknik penggayaan, penampilan dan cita rasa, ia dapat membantu menjejaki karektor lelaki seksi! Amati senarai di bawah, mungkinkah anda antara lelaki yang sedang diburu wanita?
Cita rasa memilih pakaian
- Tidak semestinya perlu bergaya hebat dan menyarungkan jenama mahal untuk kelihatan trendy. Bagi wanita, lelaki yang menitikberatkan soal kebersihan dan kemasan diri sudah cukup menampakkan imej seksi untuk membuatkan hati tertawan.
Tepati masa
- Memiliki jam tangan berjenama tetapi tidak menepati masa hanya menjatuhkan saham lelaki. Lelaki yang seksi menurut wanita ialah mereka yang bijak menguruskan masa dan paling utama menepati masa.
Bergaya sedikit ‘nakal’
- Sesetengah wanita lebih gemar lelaki yang bergaya santai. Percayalah, memilih denim, kemeja-T putih dengan sepasang but lebih macho dan seksi berbanding gaya konvensional ke pejabat. Lebih ‘nakal’ lebih seksi.
Karektor melalui warna
- Perhatikan rona warna pakaian, seluar, kasut mahupun stokin. Umumnya, wanita begitu tertarik dengan lelaki yang berani ‘bermain’ dengan warna. Semakin garang warna pilihan lelaki, bertambah seksi dan berani di mata wanita. Ayuh, bersedia melakukan transformasi gaya!
Memilih reka bentuk beg
- Mungkin sesetengah lelaki tidak mengendahkan soal beg sama ada kegunaan di pejabat mahupun ketika waktu santai. Awas, melalui pemilihan reka bentuk dan gaya beg ia mempengaruhi karektor diri lelaki. Apatah lagi, jika lelaki itu ialah seseorang yang ada cita rasa tatkala memilih jenama beg dan warnanya! Pastinya ramai gadis tertarik!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

make girl happy 1st..

The thought of learning how to make a girl fall in love with you is a disturbing one. Love is a huge emotion that can radically and completely dictate someone’s life. If it was possible to perform a few magical steps in order to make someone fall in love with you, we would live in a harsh world of broken hearts. Uh oh… don’t we already?
You cannot make anyone do anything and you certainly cannot make anyone love you. The more you try to make someone love you, the less they will. Its kind of a catch-22 in that way but fortunately there are two aspects you can concentrate on to help you along the way.
What do you love in life? Usually its the things that make you happy and the things that we attribute the most value to. Keeping in mind these two aspects of human nature, we can therefore conclude that in order for someone to love us, we must make them happy and we must be valuable to them.
Let’s work on making them happy first, its really simple and is overlooked by most people. The simple rule to making someone happy is to be happy yourself. Being happy is contagious and people in your presence will automatically feel similar to you. If you’re happy about life, then the people around you will want to have you around them as well. If you’re always down, depressed or angry, then you are making yourself very hard to love.
Example #1: Think of someone that you love or loved. Imagine them in your mind until you can see a picture of their face. In this picture, are they happy or sad ? Its very likely that in the mental picture that you have, they are smiling or happy. If it worked for you, then it should also work for others.
The concept when pondering about how to make a girl fall in love with you is value. The things you love the most consequently have a lot of value. Can you really fall in love with something that has no value? Things that are replaceable, or are easily attainable have little value in our lives. So make yourself valuable and people will love you. Being valuable isn’t as hard as people think.
The concept of value is relative, in an organization, the most valuable person is the boss even if in another situation, he could be completely insignificant. This is why so many secretaries are attracted to their boss. He has the most value. Let’s take this concept and apply it in practical situations.
Example #2, If you’re in school, then the most valuable person will be the person that is most respected by his peers. This can be the football star among cheerleaders, or the smart guy who gets the best grades. He can also be the guy who makes the girls laugh the most, or the guy that has the best house parties that everyone wants to attend.
In a work environment, the most valuable person can once again, be the social funny guy that everyone wants to hang out with, or the boss, or the sharp guy that the boss respects the most.
But… what if the girl I like doesn’t know about these social situations ? Well then… Tell her about your day! Although not as efficient, just telling her about your daily interactions (in a non-gloating way) can be an effective way of communicating your value.
The Double Your Dating book explains in detail exactly how to be perceived as the most valuable person while building massive attraction.
In the end, the concept of learning how to make a girl fall in love with you is a flawed one because as soon as you try to make someone love you, they won’t. So instead, concentrate on being happy and valuable, the rest will come naturally.